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About the solution

All companies should have the opportunity to do something good, not just the biggest ones. The goal of Ecofric's solution is to make it easy for small and medium-sized businesses to understand, improve and report on sustainability.

IN The Ecofric index you can show off your sustainability status if you wish. This is a publicly available index that allows stakeholders to understand their sustainability status.

Løsningen vår er basert på standarder og rammeverk som er offentlig anerkjente, deriblant NSRS, GHG Protocol, med fler. Vi har laget vårt eget rammerverk, fordi de fleste rammeverk er laget av og for spesialister innen bærekraft. Vi ønsker å gjøre bærekraft så tilgjengelig for små og mellomstore bedrifter som mulig.

ESG framework

ESG rammeverket til Ecofric er basert på NSRS, UN Global Compact, med flere. Målet med rammeverket til Ecofric er å gjøre det mulig for dere å samle inn data, forstå og forbedre bærekraftstatusen deres. Vi jobber med å implementere støtte for å eksportere rapporter i henhold til offentlige standarder, hvor NSRS ( is first scheduled to arrive in the first half of 2022.

The framework consists of:

  • Common criteria: criteria that apply to all companies that are to be certified through Ecofric, regardless of industry, size, turnover, production, and more.
  • Additional criteria: added to specific companies depending on size, turnover, industry, and more.
  • Industry-specific criteria: criteria specific to an industry (coming soon!)

We have a goal of keeping the ESG framework alive, relevant and up to date. Therefore, we will update the criteria in the future, since sustainability is a living goal. We will notify you in good time before they take effect, so you have plenty of time to handle the updates.

Climate accounting

Ecofric's climate accounts are based on the GHG protocol (, which describes how the emissions are categorized. This is the most recognized framework to work by when it comes to climate accounting. CO2e (CO2 equivalents) are calculated by converting the data entered in the climate accounts using GHG Protocol's emission and conversion factors. read more about GHG Protocol here.