Your helping hand
Your digital sustainability department is built to be self-serving, like a helping hand. By answering simple questions, you gain insight into what you do well and what you can improve. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible to understand the potential for improvement and give you the tools to get better.
Sustainability and climate accounting
Your digital sustainability department is designed to combine sustainability and climate accounting in one tool. We have now launched our first version of climate accountingp and hope you like how it works! We are also working to facilitate reporting to different standards such as NSRS and others.
We are your helping hand
Create your own self-declaration and gather insight about your own company and value chain. Share their current situation (status) for their own sustainability work through various reports.
Why use expensive consultants and difficult standards? We have a self-service solution that makes you understand, see improvement and can report on sustainability!
Your digital sustainability department allows you to easily download several types of reports; overview, detail and climate accounts report. More reports coming soon!
Climate accounts from Ecofric gives you a clear way to map direct and indirect emissions, electricity, district heating and water consumption. It creates measurability and insight
Free help
We understand that sustainability is not always easy. Therefore, we help you free of charge in the chat 08-16 on weekdays.
You can be visible in The Ecofric index, so others can see how you work with sustainability.
Show off your business
We believe that the only way a self-declaration can be credible and understandable is to show what is behind the companies' self-declaration. Therefore, we have chosen to create a public register that is accessible to everyone, looking forward to the company having chosen it.